Amazon Sales Rank

The following is from an email I received from in answer to an inquiry about their "sales rank" system vs. actual album sales:

The Sales Rank is a bestseller list much like the New York Times bestseller list, except instead of listing just the top 50 or so titles, it lists more than two million. The lower the number, the higher the sales for that particular title.

The calculation is based on sales and is updated regularly. The top 10,000 best sellers are updated each hour to reflect sales over the preceding 24 hours. The next 100,000 are updated daily. The rest of the list is updated monthly, based on several different factors. Items are ranked within their product category only, so a CD ranked at Number 1 is the best-selling CD at, but may not be the overall best-selling item.

Please note that the sales rank for a title fluctuates even when *no copies are sold* since the rank is a comparison listing with the millions of other titles in our catalog. When any title is sold on our site, it affects the sales rank for every title in our catalog.

Want to read more about Amazon's Sales Rank system?
What Sales Rank Means - Decoding Sales Ranks

Amazon Sales Ranks of Petra's CDs

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